I love this concept!

One concern I have is how this might exacerbate the "echo chamber" effects that a lot of people complain about with modern social media (and the almighty "algorithm"). If I were to join a politically-aligned L2 Twitter clone, I probably wouldn't get the same discourse as I would on a more neutral (or attempted neutral) platform like today's Twitter, since only likeminded people would probably join that L2.

Conceptually though, it makes a lot of sense - divide up users into various L2s (i.e. the UI/UX) that are built on top of a simple protocol. (I also tend to lean toward the Nostr approach.)

Great piece.

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These are not really solving new technical problems, they are basically darkweb markets with a nice UI. The true challenge is being tackled by the Bluesky team, with their ATprotocol and Lexicons. This will enable competing applications to understand and render the schemas of foreigns apps natively. The need to "hard fork" the schemas every time you want to add a new feature ( ie. gab.com forking mastodon and adding groups ) is what stopped decentralized apps from achieving any sort of network effect.

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You don't get it. Nobody can dissolve your Nostr account. A federated network of servers like ATprotocol is like Twitter with 50,000 Elons who can censor or delete your account if they don't like you.

With Nostr, you don't have an account with a server. You have a public key and signature which are authenticated on the client side.

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The ATproto is mainly a set of JSON schemas ( Lexicons ). It fits perfectly with nostr as the relays can store the user's content. If your nostr relay starts to censor you, just publish to a new one. nostr doesn't care what the shape of the data is in the message body, ATproto does. The protocols exist on different layers of abstraction in the stack. ( data layer vs application layer )

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