This is so good, I agree with everything. The notion that the current toxic Bitcoin cancel culture is actually an attack on Bitcoin needs to be more widely understood.

Burn it to the fucking ground.

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Burn yourself into the ground if you are so fucking happy to do so.

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The irony of proving the very point in the article.

/Mutes thread

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I find this to be a reasonable article, even if I tend to sympathize more with the group you are criticizing. Listen, you're not wrong: exclusivity and narrow minded thinking is destructive, it's destructive to any system or culture. And it's for this exact reason, there should be room within the bitcoin culture for the maxis too. There absolutely should be a carve out within the space for them to 'experiment' with their mindset and point of views. We cannot burn this to the ground. It must be allowed to thrive or die or meld into the background of irrelevance or to persist. Why? Because by the very SPIRIT of your argument, it must be allowed. There is a healthiness to conflict and competition within any ecosystem. Families, Nations, Individual's own minds even. Best ideas win out over time, best practices reap best rewards over time and cement themselves as orthodoxy. We can't look at all of this as a disease that needs stamped out. There are very real concerns about vaccines, climate change overreaction, seed oils, sunscreen even. Bitcoiners at the end of the day are just people too, and we're all in this together, and we're all uncertain about this very rapidly changing world we live in. I'm not saying I know what to believe on all of these issues, but to dismiss those who want to open the discussion up, or take a stand against a barrage of what often feels like one-sided information from the other side of the debate, is wrong too. What happened to nic carter is ugly, but he's a big boy, with one of the sharpest minds in the community or the world, and he can handle himself, and has done so with poise. We're learning so much through all of this; let school stay in session; don't burn stuff down.

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Nah, there is no real concern about climate change overreaction.

The goddamn concern is climate change and even tho i still aint selling my stack i am so disgusted by how gullable this community is to big oil propaganda. Made me go from 100% in the community to regularly argueing with climate SCIENCE (GODDAMN PHYSICS) deniers till i have one more part of the community against me.


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Criticising a view just because there is some business somewhere that profits from it is a low ball ad hominem. Some of the biggest funders of solar and wind are oil and gas companies. They dont care the source, as long as they control it.

You also know one of the biggest lobby groups right now is ESG VC groups who look to bypass democratic institutions to set up carbon schemes that they profit from. But it would be silly to argue on that basis alone that environmental concerns are gullible

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Hahaha do people get nothing about petrodollar those little wannabe market radicals?

Here see how high the shares of a oil company got ranked after just exposed just a few percent to the market:


And you say its a low ball ad hominem? Congratz for having 0 skills in real world macro markets but learning 2 words in twitter discussions.

So if you have those companies owning the largest portion of world markets due to petrodollar system.. is it really a surprise they are the biggest funders after they paid for propaganda on the most massive scale ever seen since 40 years. Which is prooven, but they put so much money in it that troglodytes actually think that fucking physics is wrong?

I cant even comprehend the stupidity of denying simple light refraction physics, mindboggling.

Now the little oil warriors thinking they are actually fighting a lobby when the lobby is spreading their word through you as you write.

Its like pretending the bitcoin lobby is secretly ruling the finance and banking sector. Its beyond retarded and im ashamed even having to speak to such deluded people.

I dont even care if people side with them even more since im not being all nice and friendly about it. They have so much money anyway they could buy even more disinformation at any time. But little Alex Epstein fanboys are spreading like a wildfire in the Bitcoin community and its disgusting how such weak arguments are taken without a grain of salt.

We could decentralise energy production by having decentral energy grids getting rid of those oily supergiants and stabilize with bitcoin, but no... some stupidly weak arguments are found again and again why fossil fuels are still fine and i know no matter what i say that wont change shit because my word doesnt have any power no matter how hard i and so many scientists try.

Instead the court put in place by trump is covering their ass once again and instead of rising up people come here spouting shit like "oooh the climate alarmists"

And im stuck here argueing why i cant buy as many solar panels and wind turnines because i went fucking studying actual science? Bleh.

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You must hang around in different circles. Most bitcoin advocates I see want to have decentralised clean energy powering the network. I have no idea what your rant has got to do with my comment.

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Its not my first language and apart of that you should try and tell them that climate change is the biggest problem to mankind at the moment in your Bitcoin circle and see what happens.

Ask the market radicals how to get the carbon back out of the atmosphere and you will se their argument dwindle in no time. No, owning parts of the atmosphere wont solve the problem.

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I wonder what a Monero party would look like?

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Both parties sound incredibly stupid and cringe

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Went to dinner and smiled for pictures with your hosts, then THREE years later posted that picture to publicly mock them and call them “boring” and “insecure” for… enjoying steak at a steak restaurant and chatting about sports? Also, “dimly lit”? Looks like the brightest, most well-lit restaurant I’ve ever seen in my life. Lol at you crying about the paper cut you got three years ago though.

Then you compare this small dinner with an enormous annual festival? Eye-opening stuff. Congrats on the freshman you cornered though, I’m sure she enjoyed you salivating over her major (I notice you’ve since removed mention of how she identifies though, as well as her sexuality, I assume by request of not reducing this woman to an identity politics checklist tool).

Ironically, as is always the case with people like yourself, by espousing “bad culture” and the “wrongness” of others’ hobbies, interests, or views on exercise, family, faith etc, you are literally worse than those you’re trying to criticise. What’s actually pathetic is diagnosing people who were kind enough to have you for dinner as being “insecure about their masculinity” (which you seem to be bizarrely fixated on) because their opinions and lifestyles differ from your nail-painting jpeg partygoers.

“Maybe we can drink orange tequila sunrises and eat pizza” ..who tf is stopping you? The imagined oppression is obscene. You are not a victim, the only person stopping you from having a tequila sunrise and slice of pizza is you.

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lol pro vax explains alot

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nice one

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As a "bitcoin maxi", I found this spot on. I especially like what Troy Cross has to say about it, that we are effectively reducing our total market by forcing people to agree with what narrow minded idiocy is on our mind today. Ex: climate change. Over 75% of people agree in climate change, and so why are we so vehemently pushing the 25% part, and leaving out three quarters of people! Its just plain stupid. Anyways, great post, and perhaps we would all do better by spending less time on social media.

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